Welcome to

Windy Hill Play

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit childcare organization on a mission to provide care for children of all ages within a community and within spaces where kids play freely in an a social environment and all care providers (that includes our parents) are given choice and feel abundantly able to rest and invest in themselves.

Care Services

  • Afterschool Program

  • Early Learners Program

  • Track-out Programs

  • Enrichment Programs

  • Customizable Childcare

community-based childcare

About Windy Hill Play

We are a nonprofit organization on a mission to create accessible, flexible and abundant spaces for children to play freely and grow in confidence. Our childcare model is unique in that it is nonprofit, customizable, and centered around promoting play. We create space and boundaries in which children can move freely, explore their capabilities, practice critical thinking skills, and use their imagination. Through continuity care and individualized schedules and solutions, we are able to meet needs in a very nontraditional way. Through this continuity of care, we are able to partner with parents to build genuine, long-term relationships with them and their children.

With our distinctive care model, we bridge the childcare gap by providing supporting care to children, families, traditional childcare centers, educational systems, and both private and public organizations.

Please Read.

Windy Hill Play is not a licensed childcare facility and does not offer full-time care or care that meets the licensing description of providing care for three or more children under 13 years old on a regular basis for more than four hours per day. Our programs are designed to complement alternative education options and offer part-time enrichment activities.

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